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Gov Camp Cymru 19

With multiple sessions happening simultaneously, it’s often hard to capture everything that’s going on. With an Unconference, and Gov Camp Cymru in particular, the participants are so engaged that I was able to crowd source the majority of the content by asking for key points from the sessions.

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North Wales 2nd Annual Autism Conference

I always look forward to NWA events and I’ve been lucky enough to draw them for a few years. Find out more about the conference at: https://www.northwalesautismconference.org/

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Gofal Workplace Mental Health

This was a lovely event in collaboration with Kin+Ilk Coffee shop on Cathedral Road. All the images I’ve drawn were responses from customers about mental health in the workplace.

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Kind Cardiff

This was a fabulous and fun community action event from @KindCardiff

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Gov Camp Cymru 2017

If you haven’t experienced one before, you’re probably wondering what an unconference actually is… “UNConference: It’s fun and it doesn’t hurt!” A gathering of people with a shared interest in a particular topic. In the case of Gov Camp Cymru that topic is improving public services in Wales. The people who attend create the agenda… Read more »